Brewery Feature: Stone Brewing

Posted by linelogic

We had the chance to talk with Stone Brewing’s Midwest Marketing Manager, Nate Hausen, to learn more about their business, beers and all he does. Hausen says that Stone Brewing is “continually checking the quality of our products.” They hold very high expectations for the beer they put out, and want to make sure that every batch is perfect. With an eye for detail and a taste of perfection, Stone Brewing is always on the leading edge of the market.

Tell us about Stone Brewing?

We were founded in 1996 by two gentlemen, Greg Koch, and Steve Wagner. Stone Brewing is the 7th largest craft brewer in the country. Our largest breweries are in California and West Virginia. We have different locations that sell our products such as brewpubs and restaurants throughout the West Coast, and we are even in airports.

Who are you, and what is your favorite part of your job?

My name is Nate Hausen, and I am the Midwest market manager. I have been with Stone Brewing for five years now and still love everything about it. My favorite part about working for Stone Brewing is I feel like I am working for a brewery that I consider to be the greatest in the world.

What does a day look like for you?

My main job is to manage wholesalers. There are 24 different wholesalers throughout my region. I am in charge of keeping wholesalers informed on what is happening within the company and our product development, managing inventory, and coordinating shipping.

What is new and exciting at Stone Brewing?

We recently opened a brewery in Napa. It was very cool to open a brewery right in the heart of wine country where there are not many others around. People who work in and own the vineyards in the area were very excited to have a good beer around.

How does Stone Brewing differentiate itself in a growing market?

Our main difference is that we are continually checking the quality of our products. We hold very high expectations for the beer we put out and want to make sure that every batch is perfect. We are mostly known for our IPA. We believe that freshness is crucial, and we are always trying to come out with something new for everyone. If you do not come out with anything new, it just gets stagnant, and your customers will move on. We try to surprise them by always putting out something new. Our latest is the Notorious POG. It is an up and coming style with a tropical twist.

How is each beer branded/marketed as an individual and as part of a whole?

We try to brand each beer individually and show what the specific brew is all about. We have a great social media team that helps with a lot of our branding. We are also the number one brewery on Instagram. One strategy we use is an extensive email list. Emails help us reach our customers with ease and tell them about what is going on and what we may have in the works.

Tell us about your partnership with CCB:

College City Beverage does a great job of representing our brand. We have been doing business together for ten years now. We like to communicate closely with CCB to let them know what is coming and what they need to prepare for when we are in the process of creating new products.

What can we expect from Stone Brewing in the future?

We will be continuously be working on our quality and innovation to ensure the best for our customers. We are going to keep doing things that are exciting and that the consumers want to see and try. If you are not growing or trying new things, you’re in trouble, staying at the forefront of innovation and quality is vital.

How can we get a tour or try your beer?

A tour would be excellent if you could get to San Diego, California or Richmond, West Virginia. We offer public tours and do samples at the breweries. We have a lot of great customers that have been supporting us for a long time. A couple of places that come to mind are Lone Oak Grill in Eagan and JL Beers in Burnsville. They have done a fantastic job of supporting us for many years.

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